Access to Port Secure Area
The secure Port Taranaki Restricted Operations Area is where import and export trade and activity takes place. It’s a busy operational area that includes our shipping berths, log yards, dry bulk storage, our energy trading terminal, and heavy machinery. Several of our customers also have facilities within the operations area.
The general public is not allowed to access the Port Taranaki Restricted Operations Area, which is bounded by a security fence and gates and is classified as a Port Security and Customs Controlled Area.
Everyone entering the operations area must comply with The Maritime Security Act 2004 and the Customs and Excise Act 2018, and must follow the directions of a Port Security Officer.
A site induction is required for anyone undertaking work at the port.
This can be completed here
An induction is not an automatic right of entry to the port. It addresses the requirements of being on site should you be authorised access by security.
Once you’ve completed the induction, you’ll receive an automated email reply with further instructions. Please take time to read this.
The Main Gate, Te Ara Kīnaki, is named after a sacred toka (rock) that was a place where the Ngāti Te Whiti people gave offerings before heading out on fishing expeditions to ensure plentiful harvest of ika (fish). On their return they would always return back to Kīnaki to give another offering of thanks. This toka now lies underneath one of the wharves. The name Kīnaki means “to complement, garnish food, condiment” and it speaks to the way that Port Taranaki provides prosperity, complementing and garnishing the region with produce.
The East Gate, Te Ara o Taikokako, speaks to the reef that used to be in this area. Ngāti Te Whiti conducted practices that ensured a thriving sea garden and the reef responded providing kaimoana, mataitai - shellfish like kina, paua, kutai, all food that that helped their people survive. Taikokako is now covered by reclaimed land.

Types of Entry – Access Cards
For those requiring an access card, please collect an application form from the Port Taranaki Gatehouse or Newton King Tanker Terminal building. Forms need to be presented by the applicant for processing.
There are two types of access cards – Temporary Access and Permanent Access.
This card is issued to people who do not enter the restricted operations area regularly, ie:
- Once a week or less
- Those who may be in the restricted operations area for a short duration project or a one-off visit
A temporary access card will be issued on prior notification of intent of arrival. The prior notification reduces delays and should be made no later than 6pm the day before arriving at the port. This can be made by either emailing [email protected] or by contacting the Gatehouse on 06 759 9783.
With prior notification, Port Taranaki Security needs to know:
- Your name
- Where you are going to at the port
- The purpose of your visit
- The duration access is required
Please note that anyone without prior notification may be refused entry.
On arrival at the port, please stop before the yellow road hatchings at the main gates on Breakwater Road in the middle lane and report to the Gatehouse. Car parking is also available behind the gatehouse on Station Road. Access to the port can be only made through the main gates.
Photo identification is required, so the Gatehouse security officer can identify you.
For companies managing longer contracts, prior arrangement should be made with the Security Supervisor via your Port Taranaki contact. The Security Supervisor will authorise extended access to cover the term of the contract and have the correct access groups added to the cards.
A list of contractor names needs to be provided to [email protected] well in advance of the start of the contract to allow for cards to be produced. This will prevent congestion and delays at the gate.
If any additional contractors are required during the work period, the port must be notified no later than 6pm the day before arrival.
All temporary yellow cards must to be returned on the last trip out for the day or at the end of the contract.
Lost or overdue yellow access cards are subject to a $70 replacement fee.
Permanent access cards are issued to people who either:
- Work on-site, or
- Are regularly in the restricted operations area during the course of the week
Application for a permanent access card can be made here and by completing the card application form.
This must be signed by your manager as verification of ongoing access being required for legitimate business. Return the completed form in person to the Gatehouse for processing.
Please note:
- The Port Security Supervisor reserves the right to grant or deny the issuing of an access card
- Port Taranaki may revoke a person’s card or ask for it to be returned if the person visits the restricted operations area infrequently or the card is not used
- Permanent access cards must be returned when they are no longer needed
- Permanent access cards must be reported if lost
- Permanent access cards expire automatically after 90 days without use\