Making trade easy

Port Taranaki is an important economic and supply chain asset for Taranaki and beyond – connecting our key regional industries with the world.

We pride ourselves on our ability to respond quickly and adapt to changes in market conditions and customer requirements – attributes that are helping us realise our vision to be The Pride of Taranaki.

Locally owned

Port Taranaki is 100% owned by the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) and is governed by an independent board of directors. The port pays annual dividends to the TRC, which help to offset regional rates paid by the Taranaki community.

Click here to read our Statement of Corporate Intent

Home safe, every day

The health and safety of the almost 600 people who enter our site each day – staff, contractors, customers, and other stakeholders – is our priority, and we work hard to ensure everyone goes home safe, every day.

We encourage all port users be proactive about health and safety at Port Taranaki, and promote a ‘see something, say something, do something’ approach to any risks or concerns.

We have strict and comprehensive induction and permit-to-work procedures, to ensure all who enter the port operations area understand their safety responsibilities. We also have a no drug or alcohol policy for all who enter our sites, and all areas of Port Taranaki are smokefree.

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Supporting local people and environment

Being owned by the community and working within and alongside our natural environment, we have a strong responsibility to, and connection with, the Taranaki community. We work with local environmental groups to help in the protection and enhancement of native plants and the wildlife that lives and breeds in the area.

Being community-minded, through sponsorships and other means we support sports and community organisations and events, many of which involve Ngāmotu Beach and the surrounding area. We also own and maintain the Lee Breakwater, the boat ramp and fishing jetty, which are popular areas used by fishermen, divers, kayakers, cyclists, runners, walkers, and families.

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Port Taranaki Half Year Report